Let's bring it back, old school style, to our Sesame Street days and play a game:
"One of these things is not like the other"
Picture 1
Picture 2
If you guessed that H was missing from Picture 2. You're correct. Although, that wasn't actually the answer I was looking for. Please try again.
See what's different?
If you guessed that there is a giant tree missing from the back of the property you win a CHAINSAW! (No, not really)
Below, is a picture I took on the day we first looked at the "shells" from the roof-top deck (RTD) of a neighbor . The neighbor was allowing us get an idea of what our future view would be, (from the roof-top deck we are hoping for). This neighbor I speak of also sold us the property which, is why he led a couple of strangers through his house and onto his RTD. This situation, I imagine, doesn't happen too often in Big Bad Bawlmer, (Baltimore if you prefer. Just trying to fit in with the locals).
You can barely see the tree (because it was winter) but, it's there.
While on the RTD, our kind neighbor offered up the suggestion that we ask the owners of the house behind us to remove the tree so we could have a better view of the city. (Did he really just say that?) My response was something along the lines of, "Ahhh, hi, I know we just met and all but, are you freaking crazy?! Take down a beautiful green tree that may provide a small distraction that I am actually living in this oh, so 'charming' city?" I do, after all, prefer grass over concrete and trees over power lines.
"A fool sees not the same tree that a wise man sees." - William Blake
So, just thinking he was a (lunatic) city-boy with a heart of steel, not like mine that's all dewey and green; I buried the awful thought away in the back of my mind and tried to forget all about that unspeakable act.
Until, on Sunday, when I saw this.
Dying to know what happened, I bugged Mr. Contractor. He said that he knew I would be sad but, the owner of the tree was adamant about its removal. Mr. C (always with words of wisdom) said, he thought the roots of the tree were damaging the other home's foundation and in time, would most likely also disturb our fence, patio, foundation etc.
After boo hoo-ing for a bit I decided it was for the best and I would just have to green up my own outdoor space and move on.
But, before I get ahead of myself and start blabbering about future outdoor space ideas; It's only right to first pay our respects to the beautiful tree that once was.
Here is my tribute. (I adored it so, I even took pictures of the tree before I knew of its fate.)
RIP tree
(I did recently hear that Costco has a lot of beautiful options for young trees right now!)