
Little by Little

Something really exciting happened at the house this week...

We had guests! Actual, real, live, people (we knew) walked through the house with us!

My favorite girl cousin (from my Dad's side) and her husband came down to play in Maryland for the weekend. We had the best time and appreciated them making the long trip to see both our Annapolis and our Baltimore homes. (xo)

To document the occasion, I encouraged a FFF photo. (Forced Family Fun)
(Please excuse the blurry photo, you get the idea, we had guests and I was excited.)

During the tour, H and I took in the new developments.

Here are the highlights:

There is now a window near the access point to the RTD. This allows more LIGHT into the house. 

This spot makes me smile. Light + outdoor space = happy us!
(Please excuse blurry photo-we were so excited we couldn't hold still-winkwink)

Our bathrooms now have some new friends. 
Meet Rubba-Dub-Tub-Man 

...and Singing-In-The-Shower-Lady

Did I mention she has wall mounted AND rain shower heads?
Looking up.

She also has a bench; you know, just in case the XL space with dual shower heads isn't relaxing enough and we need to take a load off. 

We will have a place to wash our clothes. 
The novelty! 

We now have a pantry in the kitchen. 
Which, is a huge bonus for a city dwelling, I don't remember seeing ONE while on the (near year long) house search.

And finally, we have electrical outlet receptacles in place.

Little by little progress is being made. 

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