
Down To The Wire

I'm not referring to The Wire, although H and I did just recently finished watching the series. For those of you who do not know, The Wire is a critically acclaimed tv series that aired on HBO from 2002-2008. The show was (in my mind) a true-to-life depiction of Baltimore, Maryland (aka Body-More MurdaLand); at least for those in the police department, in the drug "game", and in local politics. 

My realtor begged us not to watch it. Claiming it was not "research" (as I fondly referred to it) and that our life up in Charm City would not be like that. I'm not convinced but, we will soon find out (in about ten days). <cue mouth and stomach dropping>

Bottom line is, if you haven't watched The Wire, you should. It is an excellent show and we we were sad to see it end. (Can you believe 'Omar' went out like that!)

Let's get back to business shall we?

So, things have been running pretty well over at the new house. The anticipated date of completion is still only ten days away. The only thing that could substantially slow us down is that we need to obtain the "John Hancock" of one (maybe both) of our next door neighbors. The property owners on either side of us need to grant us their permission to carry the power in through the back of the house, crossing the plane of their property.

The power was originally brought in through the front. You can see that here.

This is known as an electric power line easement. Which, is a pretty common occurrence in baltimore city because the power (in most cases) runs above ground and the row homes are so close together that it is difficult to transfer power without encroaching one's property line. 

This is a picture of the proposed way of bringing power into the house.

The real issue at hand is not if they will grant us permission but, how exactly to get ahold of our neighbors. The people living on either side of us are renters, and don't speak English. So, using property tax records and a friend/coworker of mine (who should consider becoming a private investigator rather than a physician) we got ahold of them. 

Just waiting now to see if we can dot all of the i's cross all the t's by the end of the week. 

Keep your fingers crossed folks!

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