
Tricky Tricky

H and I went from renting rooms with friends to renting a small home with each other to buying an even bigger home. We have slowly been accumulating furniture throughout the years but, once in our new house we had some empty space that needed to be filled. 

We purchased a beautiful new couch from Crate and Barrel. It is an über comfortable, linen blend which means that I had a new challenge; a need to keep a certain someone off of it. Occasionally, Miss Maui likes to play Goldilocks. She bounces from dog bed to dog bed and recently she has been testing the waters with the furniture. 

Her bed just isn't cozy enough for some reason.

Want to know my trick? 

It costs next to nothing and you chances are already have it in your home.

Tin foil! 

I have actually found that I do not need nearly as much as shown. We can fold it up quickly and throw it in a drawer when needed. 

So, if you've ever tried to keep your dog off of your furniture, I'd recommend giving this a try. Although, fair warning: Maui is a nearly perfect pooch who listens and trains easily. 

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